Wow. Sudah hampir 1 tahun sejak terakhir aku mengupdate isi blog ini, sudah benar-benar lapuk rupanya.
Sebenarnya ini sudah lumayan basi untuk diceritakan. Anyway, di sini aku punya hobi baru, it's called 'cubing'. It's very addicting, fun, and brain-sucking, if not fucking.
Well, I think you're not an eternal noob. You're smart enough to use Google, right? :)
This is my cubelog:
September 2009
- Started cubing 3x3x3
- Learned Beginner Layer-by-Layer Method
- Used badmephisto's algs for last layer
- Averaged 2:30 mins
October 2009
- Learned 2 look PLL
- Learned 2 look OLL
- Averaged ~1:10 mins
- Learned first 2 layers
November 2009
- Mastered F2L
- First unofficial competition, 33.xx sec average of 5
- Managed to do one handed solving
December 2009
- Memorized full PLL
- Memorized 15 OLL algs
- Averaged sub-30
- One handed average on sub-55
January 2010
- Practiced intense look-ahead
- Averaged sub-25
- One handed average on sub-45
February 2010: Break from cubing
March 2010
- Learn blindfolded solving, Old Pochmann method
- BLD average on ~6 mins
- Best average of 5: 17.55
- Normal average 19.xx
- One handed average on sub-40
April 2010
- Average of 102: 18.97
- BLD average ~4 mins
- Learn Fewest Moves methods: Petrus, Heise, Commutators (and stuck on this)
- OH average sub-35
May 2010
- Best avg of 5: 16.06
- Sub-11 non-lucky single solve
- Normal average 17.xx - 18.xx
- Best BLD 2:56.xx
- Best OH avg of 5: 26.47
I know this is not very accurate, but that's enough to represent my cubing journey.
Honestly, I want to make a cubing blog that contains tutorials, links, and some cubing videos. But I think that's kind of wasting time, as there's many cubing sites that pretty decent to tell you.
See you later with my sub-15 vids :DD