Curriculum Vitae and Misc.
Contact Details
Name : Isdaniar Fithrantyo
Home Address : Jl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai VIII No. 72B Jepun, Tulungagung, East Java
Postal Code : 66218
Phone : +62 355 326183
Mobile : +62 856 49005456
E-mail :
Personal Details
Place/Date of Birth : Blitar, 7 April 1992
Sex : Male
Height/Weight : 178 cm/67 kg
Religion : Islam, Sunni
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indonesia
Educational Background
1996 - 1997 TK Bhayangkari Tulungagung
1997 - 2003 SD Negeri 2 Bago Tulungagung
2003 - 2006 SMP Negeri 2 Tulungagung
2006 - 2009 SMA Negeri 1 Boyolangu
I had only a few academic achievement since elementary school.At Elementary School, at least I always ranked on top 3. I've also became class captain for six years. I took piano lesson at 5th grade.
At Junior High School, my rank got lower. Didn't have time to join OSIS because I was too interested in band thing at that time.
At Senior High School, my rank got much worse. I started to join OSIS at Art division. I took jazz guitar lesson together with my band. My effort was converted into tangible thing, as I achieved the best guitarist in Kediri district (the competition was province-level). Then I got my worst rank I've ever had in the fourth semester.
After finished English lesson in BEC, I took paper-based TOEFL.
I got my last TOEFL score 497 out of 677. So far from expectation. It was even more disappointing to know the fact that my sister got 627. I hope I can get significant improvement over my last score in the future.
I have passed the PBS-UGM test a couple months ago, on Computer Science major.
The only things that make me proud is that Mark Zuckerberg took the same program as me.
I wondered if I could create same thing as Mark did, I won't go ahead for my study.
Surprisingly, I also passed the USM-ITB. I got Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD, because we choose faculty, not program on ITB).
However, I decided to go to UGM. My passion for computer is slightly higher than for arts.
Now I'm still currently waiting for the announcement of National Exam (UN) result.
So terrifying...